Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Classic American Style of JFK Jr.
"Guys are always wondering about what clothing is appropriate, how to dress up, how to impress…the answer is really quite easy.  Keep it simple.  There has never been a man that exemplifies this mantra better than John F. Kennedy Jr.  In keeping his sartorial choices to a bare minimum, he never made a mistake, he never was inappropriate.  JFK Jrs look was a unique combination of the all American Kennedy style, in combination with the sophisticated influence of his younger years of time spent in Europe.

Starting at a very young age, his style never altered.  Dark suits, white or pale blue shirts, simple neckties, black sweaters and jeans for weekends.  Even though this talented young man died a tragic death with his wife and sister-in-law at an early age, he left behind a abbreviated but important legacy.  From the fine clothes on his back, to predicting pop culture politics with his magazine George, JFK Jr. may be gone- but his influence surely lives on."

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